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AI Mixologist vs. Human Bartender

Can people distinguish the taste between a cocktail generated by AI and one lovingly crafted by a human bartender? We challenged a group of bar patrons to submit their drink preferences in order to produce two unique cocktails for them to try. Watch and see which drinks align best with individual human flavor profiles: the precision of AI or the art of human craftsmanship.

Director: Sean Dacanay; Joe Pickard
Director of Photography: Dylan Bergeson; Sean Havey
Expert: Robert Gonzalez
Creative Producer: Wendi Jonassen
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas
Production Manager: Peter Brunette; D. Eric Martinez
Production Coordinator: Fernando Davila
Casting Producer: Vanessa Brown
Gaffer: Cameron Nielsen
Sound Mixer: Greg Miller
Production Assistant: Zachariah Keiler-Bradshaw; Bria Light

Released on 01/29/2024


[Narrator] One of these drinks

was lovingly crafted by a bartender,

while the other one was generated using AI.

Here's how it works. [gentle music]

Each patron inputs some of their preferences

into a Google form.

That info is given both directly to the bartender

and run through ChatGPT-4.

Both come up with their own custom cocktail recipes.

The bartender then mixes both drinks,

and the patron receives the two cocktails.

It's then up to them to decide

which drink is the human cocktail, and which is AI.

[customer vocalizing]

That was an odd jump.

[upbeat music]

[Robert] Hi, hi, welcome.

[Robert] Hey, how's it going? Good. How are you?

I'm Robert. Welcome to punch in your info.

How difficult should I make this?

As crazy as you can get, bring it.

[Customer] I'm excited. [laughing]

[printer buzzing]

All right, so she wants something smoky,

sultry, fruity, and surprise me.

So it sounds to me like she likes things

that are citrus forward, smoky,

so things I'm thinking she likes mezcal margarita,

so I'm gonna use that, and kind of play with that concept,

like a margarita times 10.

Let's see what AI wants me to do.

All right, so, one ounce mezcal, one ounce tequila,

one ounce Ouzo, one ounce vodka.

That's a lot of booze, so this'll kill somebody.

One ounce lime juice, two ounce pomegranate juice.

Oh, it wants me to stir this drink. That's interesting.

We don't stir things with juice in them, but screw it.

Let's do what AI wants.

[upbeat music]

Pretty color though, reminds me of like a prickly pear.

[ice rattling] All right, ready to go.

[retro video game music]

[Customer] Okay. We don't know

who can read your mind and who can't.

Thanks. [laughing] We'll see who won.

Thank you.

Does it say underneath it, which one's which?

Okay, I will not peek.

Okay. This one's really like spicy, love spicy.

[camera shutters snapping] Ooh.

[customer coughing]

Cohesive, human. Dissonant, AI.

Yes! [laughing] I was right.

I'm gonna not enjoy this one,

and I will enjoy this one, thank you. [laughing]

All right. Whoever's next, come on up.

[Robert] Hey, how's it going? Hello,

Mr. guest person, how are you?

Yeah, let's see what you got going.

[upbeat music]

I'll have these whipped up for you in a second.

[paper ripping]

He's excited, and he's ready for a surprise.

De-stress and have fun, I don't know what that means?

Nothing to avoid. No allergies.

Ready to unwind. All right.

I'm probably gonna keep this light,

'cause he also said he is in a festive mood.

[ice rattling] [upbeat music]

[printer buzzing]

Let's see what AI wants me to do.

It's having me mix literally scotch,

vodka, and gin altogether,

and I don't feel like they mix very well,

but who am I to judge?

[upbeat music]

[ice rattling]

All right, AI, I see you.

[retro video game music]

[glassware tapping] Good to go.

[retro video game music]

Ooh! They look beautiful.

[video game music]

[lips slurping]

Oh, whoa. That's great.

Hmm, well I'll say a human actually made this one,

because it tastes better.

AI, it's like not cohesive,

but I'm gonna be really sad if I'm wrong. [laughing]

This here is a human because this one is a surprise,

and this one a little less.

I'm gonna go with this being AI,

because it's a bold swing and a bold miss.

I'm gonna say that this one is AI.

I said that I like citrus flavors

and it feels like the citrus was just

kind of like put in, but not built in.

This tastes pretty much like a negroni,

which is what I said I liked.

So I think maybe the AI was just going

right off my prop, so we'll see.

[upbeat video game music]

Oh my God, really?

AI, I was wrong.

AI! I do like the AI one much better.

No, no, this one is the the human, okay.

Come on.

Oh, you got it backwards. Oh, brother.


Whoa, I was right. How cool.

Ah! Boom. [laughing] Yeah.

Yes! AI.

AI. Oh, I'm sorry, AI. [laughing]

Not taking our jobs yet.

This is human. I got it right. There you go.

Hey Robert, I got you. [high energy music]

The difference between a bartender making a drink,

say, and AI making a drink, is maybe the personal aspect.

You can kind of feel the person,

and therefore I can kind of mirror or kind of absorb

some of the energy from that person,

and then kind of get creative with it.

And I haven't noticed too much creativity

with the AI, though there's been a couple situations

that it did get pretty creative.

I thought it was interesting.

[music fades]